Top 13 Filmyzilla Alternatives in 2025: Enjoy Movies Legally & Hassle-Free!


Life is a marathon. It is not a sprint. You need to keep your own pace. There is no need to rush through it all. It is normal to crave a break once in a while. You could take a vacation in the hills somewhere. No time for that? Well, how about a short trip to somewhere near? Does that too require a lot more time than you could afford? Well then watch a movie! Going to a movie hall is time-consuming too? But who said anything about movie halls? You can watch movies or any other content you want to right there on your couch. All you need to do is log in to the site of Filmyzilla and enjoy some of the greatest Bollywood and Hollywood movies of all time. However, despite that, it is an illegal site. So if you want to enjoy all of what we just said, then read on as we have some great alternatives that could help you have fun following the rules!

What is Filmyzilla?


Before we go on to the legal alternatives of the site, let’s talk a bit about the site first. There are millions of torrent sites across the virtual world of the internet. One of the millions is Filmyzilla. It is a public torrent site that provides you with pirated versions of movies of Bollywood and Hollywood. Along with Hindi movies, the site has Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil as well. The site also provides you with English movies that are dubbed in Hindi. This increases its reach to its audience. English movies may not be well understood by all, but if and when they are dubbed into the Hindi language, it calls for a greater audience amongst the commoners. 

All that said and done though, this site and the likes of it are illegal in practice. They are banned in various places too. If you want to access these sites you would need a VPN. A VPN helps you to create false footprints over the web. It will help you find a place where Filmyzilla is not banned and let you virtually shift your location to that place.  This may sound easy but may feel a bit confusing for beginners. It is also illegal activity. It is thus best to opt for some other legal alternatives. 

Features of Filmyzilla:

As we mentioned earlier, there are millions of movie pirating sites that you can find out about on the internet. But Filmyzilla has been in the market for quite some time now. You know what they say! It is difficult to make a space for yourself,but keeping it and maintaining it is much more difficult. So how did Filmyzilla do it? Filmyzilla owes its lasting popularity to some of its amazing features. Here is why Filmyzilla could keep a firm grasp on its territory in the market despite such fierce competition. 

  • The site has all kinds of movies. You can be a history buff or someone who goes gaga over the soft violin in romantic movies and Filmyzilla will have something to offer to both of you. The range of genres that the site has is indeed quite amazing. 
  • It usually provides movies and does not have much of a stock when it comes to other kinds of contents such as animes and others. However, it has English movies that are dubbed in Hindi. This is a rare feature and not always available on all sites. 
  • Filmyzilla has various qualities of videos. The site does provide HD quality movies, but not all devices are built to support that format. So it has video qualities of various kinds and your device is sure to support one of them. 
  • No matter how good your headphones are, if the site has distorted movie sounds, it would not make up for it. Filmyzilla offers you a great sound quality along with a great stock of movies as well.
  • Filmyzilla has an easy to understand and use interface. There may be a lot of great movies stocked up there. But it would not be of any use if it is not simple enough to access. Filmyzilla keeps in mind the struggles of not-so-technology-friendly people and makes browsing through its site quite easy and simple. 
  • Last but not least, the site offers you all its content for free. It does not require any subscription charges at all. 

Categories of movies available on Filmyzilla:

Filmyzilla has movies of all sorts. Here is a list of the categories of movies that you may expect on the site. 

  • English movies
  • English movies dubbed in Hindi
  • Hindi movies
  • Tamil movies
  • Malayalam movies
  • Telugu movies
  • Movies of South Indian languages dubbed in Hindi

Now, these categories again have various kinds of genres available to them. Starting from romance to romcoms to thriller and horror, this site has something to offer to every kind of a movie buff out there. The variety of languages the movies are available in only increases the versatility and the variety of content on the site and adds up to its popularity. 

Steps to browse movies on Filmyzilla:

It is not always possible to download a movie and then watch it. Sometimes you just feel like watching a movie then and there and for that Filmyzilla and other sites like itself have an option of streaming the movies online. Here is how you can go about it. 

  • Search for the site on the search panel of your browser.
  • Once the results arrive, you must be careful as to which link you click on. Since Filmyzilla is an illegal site, they always need to keep changing their domain address.  It may be a bit difficult to find the current site. 
  • Once you reach the site, you will find yourself on the homepage of the site. 
  • There you will find all the genres of movies listed. If you want to search for a particular movie you can also search for it in the space towards the top where you can type the name of the movie you want to watch. 
  • Click on the movie and start enjoying it.  

13 Legal alternatives to using in place of Filmyzilla:

Despite all the many very amazing features that Filmyzilla has, it is but an illegal site. It in a way encourages plagiarism and hence is morally as well as lawfully not a very viable option. If you feel the same way, then here are some alternatives that you can try. These are legal and much safer than Filmyzilla as well. Scroll along and see which of the options given would suit yourself.  

1. Sony Crunch:

One of the many alternatives, Sony Crunch is one of the top choices that you could opt for instead of Filmyzilla. It is known for the wide range of genres that the site has to offer. Especially rich in thrillers and horrors this site is great for people who love the genre of suspense and thrills. 

2. Popcornflix:


When there is Popcorn then you know the films are going to be great. That is exactly the case with this site too. Not just for its movies, but the Popcornflix is also known for its easy to use interface. We must understand that we are not the only ones who are using these sites. Much older people who are not that habituated with technology, are also using these sites. For them, an easy and user-friendly interface is quite important. 

3. Ice Movie:

Another one of the alternatives is not that well known. However, this makes it better for you to access the site. The more popular a site is, it would be much more difficult for you to browse through the site. This would make the site have lesser traffic and make it easier for you to scroll through the contents of the site. 

4. Bollyfix:

For a Bollywood fanatic, there is no better place for you to be in than this one. Starting from Bollywood drama to the action scenes to groovy songs, this site has all that Bollywood has to offer. Apart from Bollywood films, the site consists of various other contents too. It however is mainly focused on Hindi movies or series. 

5. Yes Movies:

Another one of the lesser-known sites, this is again quite a good alternative that you can use instead of Filmyzilla. This has a wide range of movies to offer you and that too in various kinds of video and sound qualities. If the site has its glitches then no matter how good headphones you use, it would not make your movie-watching experience better. 

6. Nitro:

This site has movies of all sorts for all kinds of people. This is a free site, like Filmyzilla. The difference is however that it is legal. Filmyzilla on the other hand is not a legal site. It uses pirated content, which is not the case with Nitro. All in all, Nitro is one of the best alternatives to Filmyzilla. 

7. ZMovies:


Another one of Indian favorites, ZMovies is in some ways even better than Filmyzilla. Not only is it a legal site to watch movies on, but it has a variety of other kinds of content too. ZMovies has many series as well. Its collection of movies along with various popular series is quite impressive. 

8. Go Movies

Go Movies

If you do not have the time to go to the movies, then just Go Movies! It has a wide spectrum of movies that you can choose from. If you are a frequent movie-goer and do not want to miss out on any movies, then this site could be perfect for you. It has all the latest movies in it. 

9. Lookmovies


Everything that you could want in a movie streaming site is here. It has a plethora of movies to choose from and also has a user-friendly interface. You can take a look at the genres of movies that it has to offer. This makes it easier for users to choose a movie he or she wants. 

10. Fmovies


The last on our list is not the least. Amongst the consistent movie buffs, this is again quite a famous one. It has all the latest movies, along with great video and sound quality. So if you ever go looking for an alternative in place of Filmyzilla then this is where you could go!

11. Worldfree4U


Worldfree4U is a free movie streaming website. It proffers every category of content. The interesting part is that the users will not be required to pay a hefty amount to enjoy the benefits of the website. There are no subscription charges or registration fees. So, you can watch movies without actually creating an account. The best part is the sound quality of this platform. The sound and music quality that the website offers is while engaging. The players get engrossed while watching movies from this platform. Interestingly, there is no spot for distraction. So, why not utilize such an appealing platform?

12. Sdmoviespoint


Sdmoviespoint is an extremely amazing website that can be operated with the UC browser. The website offers all the content of all genres. This website provides easy accessibility to all the content. If you wish to watch movies without paying a subscription amount then Sdmoviespoint is the best option. You can get the movies from the second day of the release. So, the next time a movie gets released do not wait to get a ticket. Rather start watching the movie from your mobile device in the comfort zone of your room. Sdmoviespoint is indeed the best alternative to the Filmyzilla website. 

13. Bolly4U


Bolly4U is an impressive platform offering everything that you desire. The platform provides an enriching experience. The advertisements that pop up on the screen will no more cause disturbances. The platforms provide everything that it needs to for an enriching experience. So, if you are a movie freak then you would be very excited to know that you can find all the latest releases at one stop. Bolly4U is a single stop for all your problems. This website is the best alternative to the Filmyzilla website. Bollky4U has everything that Filmyzilla offers. Interestingly, Bolly4u offers beyond what Filmyzilla offers. So, why not switch to Bolly4U to watch all your favourite content?


The Indian government has clearly stated in some of its recent declarations that sites such as Filmyzilla that use other’s works are not legal. People who use it would be committing a crime, an activity punishable by the law. We in no way support or encourage the act of plagiarism or that of pirating other’s works. The information provided here is for the sole purpose of enlightening the knowledge of the reader about the site, Filmyzilla, and its alternatives.  


Why is Filmyzilla illegal?

Filmyzilla is illegal in some countries. The reason behind this is that it is a movie pirating site. It uses works of various people without their proper consent and without paying them proper tribute or remuneration either. 

Is Filmyzilla safe?

Filmyzilla is a torrent site. No, it lacks the kind of security that a user would desire. This is another reason why it is advised not to be used to stream or download movies. 

Are the alternatives provided safe?

Yes, the alternatives that are provided here are safe. These can be used as quite fitting alternatives to Filmyzilla. 

Do the alternatives mentioned need subscriptions?

We have tried to keep the list of alternatives as close to Filmyzilla in their characteristics as possible. The alternatives mentioned here, hence, would on more occasions not ask for subscriptions from their users.  

Why should the alternatives be used instead of Filmyzilla?

Filmyzilla is illegal in many places. These alternatives on the other hand have no such issues or boundaries. They can be used almost everywhere and mostly provide their users with free content. 


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