Stargate Universe Season 3 – Was the Show Cancelled?

Stargate Universe Season 3

Unconventional series and shows don’t have the best fate when it comes to their production and release and it looks like Stargate Universe Season 3 is experiencing a similar fate. After the release of the two successful seasons, the audience is now awaiting more information regarding the third season and the show’s fate.

For those who have yet to watch Stargate Universe, it is a cross between martial arts and science fiction. If these concepts excite you, the show is one of those unconventional ones that you won’t regret indulging in.

That said, if you are stuck after watching the first two seasons and are wondering, “What next?” we have all the insights sorted in this guide.

When is Stargate Universe Season 3 Releasing?

Unfortunately, Stargate Universe isn’t returning with Season 3. Syfy, which was the streaming platform for the show, announced that the show has been canceled and won’t be returning with a new season.

The announcement was made in December 2010. But, why is that the case? Well, turns out, that it was the show’s writing and production that led to the show’s downfall. Before you get confused, let us explain.

In most cases, when shows are canceled, it typically happens when the viewership is less. In the case of Stargate Universe, it was due to the writing. The show had too many cliffhangers, which led to the audience complaining about the issue.

Alarmed with the barrage of complaints from the audience, Syfy decided to bench and cancel the show after two successful seasons. Also, many viewers exclaimed that the show was taking a very dark turn, which the production heard but they didn’t listen to the audience’s feedback, which was quite disappointing.

Eventually, that affected the show’s viewership, leading to the eventual cancellation of the show by Syfy.

What is the Expected Plot of Stargate Universe Season 3?

Because Syfy has canceled Stargate Universe after two seasons and a third season is most likely not happening, it left the small yet dedicated fanbase heartbroken.

There’s no way of knowing how things would have transpired in the third season, especially now that the show has been canceled for good.

However, some of the fans found a comic book called, Stargate Universe Back to Destiny, which gives the kind of closure that you most likely need regarding the show’s progress into the third season.

If you have watched the first season, you likely know that the series follows the life of Colonel Yong. Eli and a few other characters on the show make it their mission to arouse Colonel Yong, which they manage to achieve eventually.

According to rumors, the last episode of Season 3 would have taken the audience through a flashback where they get to witness everything being sorted out. We could have also witnessed Hali finally creating a pod alternative.

But, all of these are speculations since Stargate Universe Season 3 isn’t happening in real-time anymore.

Who would Return in Stargate Universe Season 3?

If Stargate Universe Season 3 were to happen almost 12 years after the premiere of its first episode, we could witness all the OG cast making a comeback, including:

  • Louis Ferreira

Louis Ferreira

  • David Blue

David Blue

  • Brian J. Smith

Brian J. Smith

  • Robert Carlyle

Robert Carlyle

  • Jamil Walker Smith

Jamil Walker Smith

  • Alaina Huffman

Alaina Huffman

  • Elyse Levesque

Elyse Levesque

  • Patrick Gilmore

Patrick Gilmore


Unfortunately, Stargate Universe Season 3 isn’t happening anymore. However, with the fanbase being quite dedicated, there have been a lot of alternative endings that some of the fans have speculated. If you are someone who has been wondering if Season 3 is happening, we hope this article answers your questions.


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