Britannia Season 4 – When is it Coming out?


Britannia is one of the most popular series that came as a rescue for people swerving through the impacts of the pandemic. The third season was released in August 2021, filling up the gap that was created in the world.

The drought in fantasy and the mystical world pretty much subsided with the third season. However, upon its completion, the one thing that the audience wanted was more of this show. With the third season ending on a sudden cliffhanger, it isn’t surprising that the audience is now clamoring for the fourth season.

Britannia Season 4

This article will discuss everything you need to know about Britannia Season 4 and how you can binge-watch the show.

What is the plot of Britannia Season 4?

the plot of Britannia Season 4

If you haven’t watched the third season yet, be aware because we will mention a few spoilers. The third season ended with Cait in Rome, following facing a betrayal from her mentor.

The final scenes in Season 3 walk you through a series of changes and a lot of revelations that no one expected to witness. 

Although there isn’t any update regarding the release of the fourth season, we can pretty much expect that same to extrapolate the story where it was left off in the third season.

When is Britannia Season 4 releasing?

When is Britannia Season 4 releasing

Britannia hasn’t been renewed for a new season yet by Sky Atlantic. However, that’s just a technicality at this point.

Unless the creators are planning on scraping and canceling the show altogether, there are chances that the show will be renewed for a new season pretty soon.

With how the third season ended, we can expect that the writers and creators won’t leave their audience in the middle of a cliffhanger.

Who is going to be cast in Britannia Season 4?

Who is going to be cast in Britannia Season 4

Since Britannia hasn’t been renewed for Season 4 yet, we don’t have a confirmed list of all the cast. However, some of the pivotal characters in the show will most likely make a comeback.

  • David Morrissey

David Morrissey

  • Eleanor Worthington-Cox

Eleanor Worthington-Cox

  • Annabel Scholey

Annabel Scholey

  • Nikolaj Lie Kaas

Nikolaj Lie Kaas

Whether or not they bring new people to the cast is something we’d have to wait and see, especially once the show is released.


Britannia Season 4 is one of the most anticipated seasons of the show. If you are an avid audience and have been looking for a release date, we have to disappoint you at this point. However, keep an eye out on this space for future updates.


1. Will Britannia have a Season 4?

The creators of Britannia have confirmed that the show is most likely not returning with a new season. So, the third season of the show seems to be the end of it. The period-typical history drama, which aired on Sky has run its course with the three seasons.

2. Why did Amazon cancel Britannia?

Ever since the first season, Britannia found it hard to find backers. With not gaining a substantial viewership, it isn’t surprising that Amazon had to finally cancel the show. There are a lot of other complications happening behind the scenes.

3. Is season 3 of Britannia the last?

Sky has confirmed that they won’t be renewing Britannia for a new season, which goes to show that it was most likely the last season. We don’t have any insights on whether or not the show will be renewed by a new streaming partner.

5. Why was Britannia season 4 canceled?

As per the British budget standards, Britannia is a hard series to make. With the lack of viewership, Britannia couldn’t sustain itself in the long run, which is one of the main reasons why it has been canceled. We don’t have much idea about the other reasons.