Hijack Season 2: Is Sam Nelson All Set to Hijack Our Hearts One More Time?

Hijack Season 2

Hijack, as many would know, is an Apple TV+ series that has sparked much intrigue and excitement among its audience ever since its release in June 2023. The series owes much of its success to the brilliant storytelling capabilities of George Kay and Jim Field Smith. The enigmatic and captivating performance by Idris Elba also, of course, adds charm to the already gripping unfolding of the storyline.

Stretched across 7 thrilling episodes, the first season of Hijack came to an end only recently. The fans, however, are already very excited for a second season.

Is a second season at all on its way? If a second season is indeed in the making, who would feature in season 2 of Hijack? Also, when is it predicted to be released?

If, as a fan, you too are waiting earnestly for the answers to these questions, then here are some predictions that might help you calm yourself for a little while as you wait.

What is the release date of Hijack Season 2?

Idris Elba is the actor portraying the quintessential role of Sam Nelson in the show. He has been seen stating in his interviews how while he might not object to portraying his character once more in the series, he does believe that the show needs to stretch its boundaries beyond predictable hostage situations in its upcoming seasons if there are going to be any upcoming seasons that is.

While anticipation builds in the fan base that the series has earned in just one season, Apple TV has not yet confirmed any news regarding a second season of the show. Given the initial excitement that the first season of Hijack has stirred in its viewers, it would be a pity not to follow it up with a following season.

What is the plot expected to be like for Hijack Season 3?

In just one season the show has made quite an impact among the viewers. The recurring remarks of Idris Elba in regards to his leading role in the first, and the only season as of yet, of Sam Nelson, could perhaps be taken as a hint. The hint is that if and when a second season was to follow, the show would perhaps reach beyond its initial outlining of the hijack situation that earned the show its name. To keep the fans engrossed the following season would perhaps feature some new and interesting twists and turns in its plot.

No official news is available as of yet regarding a new season of Hijack. The creators are yet to announce a trailer for the same.

Who could be the possible cast members for Hijack season 2?

In regards to a probable cast that might feature in the second season of Hijack, if and when it is premiered, the news is not at all clear. No evidence could even slightly hint at the choices of characters and actors in the upcoming season of the show. The only character we could be sure of is Sam Nelson to be played by the mesmerising Idris Elba.

  • Idris Elba

Idris Elba


Hijack has in just one season secured a cosy and secure place for itself in the hearts of its audience. It is available over a variety of streaming platforms as well. Anyone who has watched the 7 thrilling episodes that keep the viewer occupied and engrossed throughout the first season of the show, would know that the fans’ wait is only obvious. They need to, however, sit on the edges of their seats a while longer for any sure news of a following season to be confirmed by the creators of the show. Â