What To Do After a Slip and Fall Injury

What To Do After a Slip and Fall Injury

Slipping and falling is one of the most common reasons for injuries in the United States. These types of injuries can happen to practically anyone at any time. When they happen, you not only have physical injuries to deal with but also some paperwork. If you’re unsure of what to do after a recent slip and fall injury, below are the steps that can help you manage the situation and make it a little less stressful.

Seek Medical Attention

First and foremost, you should take care of your health. Slipping and falling can cause anything from minor injuries to traumatic ones. Sometimes, you may think you only have minor injuries when there are, in fact, deeper issues going on. The most important thing to do after you slip and fall is to get a clean bill of health. Visit an emergency room if you’re experiencing significant symptoms after a fall, or schedule a visit with your primary care doctor as soon after the accident as possible.

Getting medical attention right away accomplishes a few things. First, it makes sure you’re on the path to getting better and that any injuries you sustained don’t get worse. In addition, talking with a doctor creates a record of your injuries, which you may need if you were injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. So, before you do anything else, make sure you take care of your health.

Determine the Cause of the Injury

Next, you’ll want to determine what caused the injury. Determining the cause will help you decide on what your next steps should be. For example, if you slipped on your own sidewalk after a snowstorm, the solution is something like using rock salt or installing a handrail. But, if you were injured at work, at someone else’s location, or while traveling, then you may need to fill out some forms or get contact information. Revisit the scene of the accident and determine what led to you slipping and falling before deciding what to do next.

Report the Accident to Your Employer

If your accident occurred at work, the next thing to do is report it to your employer. Doing so accomplishes a few things. First, it creates a record of your accident, which you may need if you want to file for Worker’s Compensation. Second, it lets your employer know of an unsafe situation so that they can correct it before someone else injures themselves. Talk to a manager or someone in your HR department about how to properly file an injury report, then complete any of the necessary paperwork. Do this as soon after your accident as possible, before any details fade from your memory.

Work with a Personal Injury Attorney

In some cases, after a slip and fall injury, you’ll need to work with a personal injury attorney. You may need an attorney if you were injured because of someone else’s negligence and they are refusing to accept responsibility. According to The Chopin Law Firm, a slip and fall accident lawyer in New Orleans, “The rules governing premises liability essentially state that the owner of a property, whether residential or commercial, has a duty to keep the area reasonably safe for anyone who would come onto the property.”

To receive compensation to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and physical pain, you may need to turn to legal remedies. Find a lawyer in your local area who specializes in personal injuries, then discuss your situation with them. They can provide insight into the best course of action and help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Take Preventative Measures to Prevent Future Injuries

Finally, you should take steps to prevent any future accidents, if possible. Slip and fall accidents are more common as we age, but incorporating regular strength and balance exercises into your daily life can help you avoid them. If you’re particularly prone to slipping, now might also be the time to invest in a walking aide or more supportive footwear.

Lastly, make sure conditions around your home are safe, such as installing grip pads in your shower or on your stairs. While you can’t control everything out in the world, you can at least take steps to protect yourself at home and make falling less likely.

Taking Care of Yourself After an Injury

Slipping and falling isn’t a pleasant experience. It can leave lasting injuries along with financial problems, even with minor accidents. However, by following the right steps after the accident, you can make things a little easier on yourself. By focusing on your health first, following the correct procedural steps afterward, and taking preventative measures, you can make slip-and-fall accidents a little less stressful.


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